The Lesbian Triangle

Its the summer of '97, 18 year old Stacy Hanna has finally decided to make the 9 hour move from her hometown Lynchburg, Tennessee to the Richmond, Virginia. She see's this opportunity as a chance to finally figure out who she is, allow herself to blossom into the woman she is meant to be.

It is ironic how she ended up there. I mean, she only moved to Richmond to help one of her friends settle into the area. She quickly fell in love, finding a job and a nice townhouse to move into.

Stacy shared this townhouse with a young girl called Kelly who was nineteen at the time, who was a mutual friend.

A lot of people either stayed at the townhouse or were frequent visitors. Domica Winckler (18), Dana Vaughn and Tracy Bitner (19) were those who were known to authorities. Tracy was in a relationship with Kelly and if you hadn't realised thus far, all of these girls, including Stacy were lesbian.

The extent to which Stacy's sexuality is something people knew about is not something I am familiar with. It was the late 90's so although being gay wasn't something you would scream and rave about, it wasn't something that you would be disregarded for either.

Stacy and Kelly, being roommates, spent a lot of time with each other, confided in each other even. Stacy eventually found herself falling for Kelly, whether this was due to romanticised scenarios Stacy created in her head or because she read signs from Kelly wrong we will never know but we do know she was falling for her and she was falling hard.

As time went on, Stacy became quite bitter. She wanted Kelly all to herself.

July 26th 1997, all the girls attended a party.  Tracy was there with a girl called Sandy who was assumed to be Tracy's new girlfriend. Stacy saw this as a great opportunity to 'make' Kelly like her.  She told Kelly that she 'heard' that Tracy was cheating on her, that she was in a new relationship. I'm assuming this caused Kelly to second guess everything, a look of confusion probably emerged on her face which would have made Stacy extremely happy.

However, Kelly knows Tracy, she trusts her, so she went and asked her if any of this was true. Tracy quickly denied everything and both girls quickly realised that Stacy only said this to split the two of them up, allowing Stacy to have Kelly all to herself.

The girls came to the conclusion that Stacy needed an "ass kicking" for this, simply to teach her a lesson.

The next day, Stacy was invited to another party. Little did Stacy know that would be the last day anyone would see her alive.

They drive to a secluded area. When they get there, Stephanie Cull, a friend of the girls and the nomiated driver, tells Stacy to get out of the car. Everything escalated very quickly as all 4 girls (Tracy, Kelly, Domica and Stephanie) pounce on Stacy, leaving her with no chance to defend herself. One of the girls testified that Domica picked up a cinder block and threw it on Stacy, fracturing her skull. They begin to slash her face the box cutters that Stacy had ironically previously stolen.

I don't know what made the girls stop but they eventually did. All confused on what to do next. I'm sure some of them wanted to leave her there to just die. A dog walker will stumble on her body in a few weeks when it's already too decomposed to identify. It was also suggested that Stacy should be taken to the hospital, however the girls feared that she may snitch, getting them all in trouble.

So with that, they put Stacy's bloody, broken and bruised body in the boot of the car, despite her protests to be allowed to sit in the front. They refused, stating how she would 'get blood everywhere'

The girls drove around the area for the next 30 minutes. During this, Tracy exclaimed about how Stacy's 'tongue needed to be cut out' and Domica said that her 'fingers needed to be cut off'

The girls eventually stopped at another location, Nash Road. Stacy got out of the boot momentarily, and began walking down a deserted road. Kelly, Tracy and Domica dragged her, stopped, and forcibly told her to remove her clothes, which in fact belonged to Kelly.

The girls used the box cutter once again, Stephanie to stab Stacy in the back and Tracy, who decided to slit Stacy's throat. Tracy bragged about doing this, she was proud of her self. She also stabbed Tracy near the heart saying "I want your heart bitch, give me your heart, why won't you die?".

All of the girls took it in turns at stabbing Stacy, forcing her head into the mud, kicking her, even spitting on her. During this ordeal, Stacy pleaded with the girls, asking them if she could just call her mum one last time, to let her know how much she loves her. There were a few giggles and smirks as the girls exchanged smug looks with one another. They denied this.

The girls all jumped back into the car, leaving Stacy there, bleeding, naked and alone, with her head faced down into muddy water. They disposed of her clothes and eventually returned to one of the girls apartments to get themselves clean.

Later that evening, City of Richmond police officers came knocking on the door, the girls were quickly taken in for questioning.  While Domica was being questioned, one of the detectives noticed a very familiar watch, Domica was wearing Stacy's watch. Tracy was very boastful in her questioning, as previously mentioned, she was very proud of what she had done.

January 14th 1998. Although prosecutors were seeking the death penalty, Domica, Tracy and Kelly were sentenced to life in prison, indited on robbery, abduction and capital murder charges. Stephanie got a lesser charge of 20 years as the jury testified that she just got caught up in all the action, rather than being one of the main perpetrators.

 As eerie as this story is, it is crazy how fast all of this happened. In a 2 week span, Stacy was introduced to these girls, hated by these girls and then killed by them. She moved to Richmond in hopes of meeting new people, starting a new chapter in her young life.

Stacy's body was found to have suffered from 65 stab wounds. It was excessive bleeding and drowning that eventually killed her. This case shocked the entire local community. We do not tend to see such heinous, brutal crimes from girls, especially teenage girls.

On the 18th anniversary of Stacys death, Stephanie was released in prison. She served 18 years of her 20 year sentence due to good behaviour. I can only assume she wasn't seen as such a threat to society, something Stacy's mum was extremely angry at.
