Torture Slayings

The following case is one that had the local community asking a lot of questions. Many concluded that it was a hate crime, many argued saying that race was not the main motivator for this attack, something else was.

Were people too 'politically correct' to call this for what it was? Especially as black men aren't generally seen as the main perpetrators when it comes to hate crimes. I will try to remain unbiased and leave the answer up to you - despite how gruesome these murders were. 

Channon was 21, a student at the University of Tennessee majoring in sociology and her boyfriend, Christopher was 23. They had been together for a few months. 

The two of them were looking forward to a friends birthday birthday on January 6th 2007.They had previously returned home from dinner in a local restaurant, but as the night was still young, there was nothing stopping them from going out again. 

The couple had been staying at a friends apartment. They decided to leave at around 8pm making their way to the parking lot where Channon's 2005 Toyota 4 Runner was parked. Before either of them even had the chance to make it into the car, 2 unknown armed men, ambushed the two out of nowhere.  

They were forced into the car and were driven to a random house on Chipman Street.

Their friends and family had started to grow worried. Their absence at the party was noted as well as their not returning home. Channon's parents decided to track her phone. This led to them finding her car abandoned with an envelope inside. This envelope had DNA evidence of a young man who lived at Chipman Street. 

Police went to this man's house on the 9th, finding it unoccupied except for Channon's body bungled up in a bin, covered in sheets.  Christophers body was discovered near some railroad tracks
